What if the operating system of the future could treat the transformation of data as an important piece of data itself?
In many of these Lab Notes, we’ve discussed the concept of an operating system based around the items of your personal computing domain: emails, tasks, notes, events, articles, and so forth.
Your items can be described entirely in terms of the changes made to them over time. Let’s call those changes mutations.
An example of a task item might be made up of these mutations:
All together, these mutations describe this item: its state from any point in time can be derived by taking into account all of the mutations made up until that time; its most current state can be derived by taking into account all mutations ever made on it.
In the itemized OS, item drives (LN 018) serve up not just the item graph as it stands at present, but also the mutations that led to the current state (of course, it’s up to the item drive how it stores this data — e.g. as state or as changes).
There are many interesting things we can do with mutations that we’ll cover in future Lab Notes. But for now, let’s look at some of the benefits we get by having this data be part of the system. As usual, I’ll start with the simplest things, and move into the wilder ones as we go (so stick around / jump around).
Each item in this system inherently has a change log. This data is part of the item storage itself, and can be surfaced by views (LN 006) in various ways. In one kind of view, it might be useful to simply have a list of the changes made to something being worked on, off to the side.
In another kind of view, it might be useful to have a scrubber that lets you slide through the changes made to an item over time. For example, you could have an item in which you’re drafting an article, and scrubbing through its history could let you see, or share with others, the article’s evolution (and potentially, therefore, watching the thinking behind it develop).
With mutations, we can recreate the item at any point in its history; it serves as an automatic form of version control. You could even restore your entire system to some specific point in time, or look at your entire system from some specific date; it would recompute everything up to that point.
The daily summary (LN 017) can include items which had significant changes, such as a task item being completed on that date, without having to create extra references among the items. This is because the information about an item’s relationship to that date is in the log of its mutations. Your daily summary could be set up to show one section of tasks completed on that date, and another section of all other items created or modified on that date grouped by type: notes first, and on from there. These changes would be associated with the date via mutations, and you could jump between the two (the daily summary, and the items which have mutations from that date).
You could also transclude an older version of some item as an artifact within another: for example, a now-removed passage from an article being written could be referenced from some other item for further thinking or writing.
Transclusion has been covered in these Lab Notes as an interesting way to view the same data in different places with different representations. Similarly, you could view the full, current state of an item or just the recent addition that got it to that state, depending on your needs. For example, if you’re reading an in-progress document for the first time, you simply want to read the current draft. But if your collaborator has made some edits, say by adding a new paragraph, your focus might now be on what’s changed since your last review.
When a mutation is the result of an action taken via a service (LN 020), the mutation could also hold some information on the action that prompted it. Then little would be left to mystery when wondering why something has changed.
One last thought for this lab note:
What if the “delete” mutation was, just like the others, kept in an item’s change log, rather than erasing the data?
The delete mutation could, in some cases, include a reference to what the item became. For example, when you send an email, the draft item is deleted, and the delete mutation could include a reference to the new, sent message that it resulted in.
Naming a successor when an item is deleted allows you to see the draft still in a daily summary, or anywhere it’s referenced with other items, even though it is now “deleted” from your system (which means it won’t accidentally be linked to when you mean to reference the message you sent). Whenever you pull up the deleted draft, from a daily summary or a reference made to it from before it was sent, you will be able to easily jump to the sent email it eventually resulted in. Similarly, when viewing the sent message, you’d be able to click into the draft item that resulted in it, where you could see the history of changes made to it, or the items referenced from or associated with it.
I’ve wanted this in my notes for a long time: quite often, one note succeeds another; I want to remove the former from being referenced in the future by accident, but it should still be kept around as an artifact, and the inbound links to it should not be lost. It’s an important artifact, as I may want to dig into more of the background thinking that was eventually replaced; but in future notes referencing the ideas, I’d like its successor to be the source of truth for that idea.
Something spark a thought? Email me, or come chat on Bluesky, on Mastodon, or on Twitter.