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LN 005

These Lab Notes document my research in progress. My research area is in the future of personal computing.

TOC Previous Next Latest

LN 040

The venerable hyperlink

LN 039

Notes on time

LN 038

Semantic zoom

LN 037

Gestural view construction

LN 036

Free and easy organizations and associations

LN 035

The Messy Desktop

LN 034

Live items & Contextual notifications

LN 033

Swappable reference views

LN 032

System injections

LN 031

Fluid workspaces

LN 030

Foldable views

LN 029

Experimenting with the item as the core primitive

LN 028

Designing systems for computer literacy and evolvability

LN 027

Personal Computing Network & Devices

LN 026

Internet Modules

LN 025

Publishing items

LN 024

Mutations & Item change logs

LN 023

Higher-level primitives

LN 022

Undo Actions

LN 021


LN 020

Item Actions

LN 019


LN 018

Services & Item Drives

LN 017

Today & Daily summary

LN 016

Calendar views


Cross-reference Navigation in Obsidian

LN 015

Cross-references & References cloud

LN 014

The Graph OS

LN 013

Why is our thinking on computers so restrained?

LN 012

References box & Topics

LN 011

General purpose personal computing software

LN 010

User-created application and system views

LN 009

User-created item views

LN 008

Unified views

LN 007

Atomized apps

LN 006

Swappable views

LN 005

Associated items

LN 004

Browsing contexts & recent paths

LN 003

Universal reference containers

LN 002

Universal data portability

LN 001

Composing application interfaces

LN 000

The Lab Notes

Associated items

Our lives are filled with digital things that all relate to each other in different ways, but are contained within their own siloed apps (notes, calendars, todo lists, emails, documents, and so on).

As I develop my concept for the future of the operating system, a key fundamental stands out: we should be able to easily associate things with other things.

As discussed in last week’s LN 004, we can open multiple things — of any type — in browsing paths as we navigate our work. These browsing paths serve as a context for some specific body of work or train of thought.

Now imagine that as we open those things, the system automatically records their association — this note is related to that todo list, this email is related to that document — for instant recall in the future, surfacing these connections as associated items.

Consider: Say you receive an email about a meeting on Wednesday. You open the attached meeting agenda. You also create a new calendar event for the meeting. And — without doing anything more than that — you move on to the next thing in your day.

Video showing a browser path with an email open, and the user opens its attachment, then creates an event.

Now if we move over to your calendar and open that event, you’ll see that the system automatically surfaces these associated items — the meeting agenda and the email thread about the meeting. We can open them instantly.

Video showing the user opening the event in their calendar, then seeing the associated PDF and email thread, which the user opens.

On the day of the meeting, when the system notifies us that the meeting will begin soon, it surfaces the associated items in the notification. We can immediately pull up any of these items — to see recent replies to the email thread, to read the meeting agenda, or as shown in the demo below, to let everyone know we’ll be a few minutes late to the meeting.

Video showing the home screen of the OS, where an event notification pops up along with the associated PDF and email thread, which the user opens and types a reply.

This is just one example, but the power of associated items runs deep. It allows us to keep things which are related close together, even if those things are from different places within our system.

Consider another example: you could create a reminder when you’re in a browsing path, and without adding anything to the reminder, the system will automatically make everything in the path immediately available to you when the reminder comes up.

Video showing the user creating a reminder at the end of a browsing path with many different items in it, then when the reminder comes up, clicking to open all of those items inline.

The system can handle most of the heavy lifting by simply paying attention to how we move through our items within different contexts, but we can further manage the associations manually as we like.

The many different things we use on our personal computers all relate. Associated items is one way my concept for the operating system of the future exercises this fundamental understanding. The system can pay attention to how we browse through our things, and autonomously resurface what we need when and where we need it, often without us even having to declare that association.

Something spark a thought? Email me, or come chat on Bluesky, on Mastodon, or on Twitter.

« Previous: LN 004


Next: LN 006 »

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