Alexander Obenauer

Want to receive my work as I publish it?

Illustration of lab members in the lab

Become a member of the Little Lab to support independent research that explores personal computing & the interfaces with which we think.

Your support helps ensure that more experiments, essays, lab notes, and other work continue to be published for all.

Plus, you’ll get access to the members’ portal with early demos, experiments, member essays, the field notes, and more.

Avatar of a Little Lab member
Avatar of a Little Lab member
Avatar of a Little Lab member
Avatar of a Little Lab member
Avatar of a Little Lab member

Join 50+ members of the Little Lab
in helping make more of this work happen.

Together, we will explore new and renewed ideas for the future of personal computing, and evolve experiments that tinker with the ideas we want to see personal computing imbued with.

Illustration of bubbling test tubes


$8 / mo

Get access to all members-only essays, demos, and most experiments.

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Or save 9% by paying annually

Illustration of overflowing Erlenmeyer flask


$20 / mo

Help make more of this work happen by becoming a contributor. More research, more writing, and more experiments.

Plus, you’ll get access to all published and new member essays, demos, and experiments.

Become a Contributor

Or save 9% by paying annually

Illustration of overflowing boiling flask


$100 / mo

Become a sponsor of this research. For helping to make this work possible, your name will be included in a section on published essays and project pages.

And you’ll get access to all the member perks, all published and new member essays, demos, and experiments.

Become a Sponsor

Or save 9% by paying annually

I think of my practice as a “little lab” — an indie research lab-of-one. I work on various experiments and projects exploring the interfaces with which we think, and publish lab notes, essays, experiments, and a newsletter, as well as members-only updates, experiments, field notes, and other work.

You can help fund this work by becoming a member of the Little Lab. It’s like an annual membership to your favorite museum: you support its core work, and as a member, you get special access to it.

Your support has a direct impact on how much of this work I get to do.

For the last several years, I've been exploring the operating system of the future. I believe personal computing harbors a lot of untapped potential. My experiments tinker with new and renewed concepts in search of that potential.

Progress is documented in lab notes, essays, demos, and experiments published for all.

New in 2024, members get access to the member portal, where they get updates on the work, in-progress experiments, the field notes, and more. Here are some screenshots of the portal:

Screenshot of the feed of updates in the member portal
Screenshot of a member essay in the member portal

With your support, more of this work becomes possible, as I can dedicate more time to independent research, writing, and collaborations. If this is something you want to see more of in the world, consider supporting my work with a membership. This is an experiment in community-funded research, something I’d love to see more of in the world as well.

Launching the membership program for its first year, this page used to say: “There’s more I can do with this research — exploring more questions, experimenting with more concepts, and publishing more writing and prototypes.” I’m proud to say that has since come to fruition. Thanks for helping make that possible.

If you have any questions, get in touch.

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